Japanese Yoshiko’s Malaysia Review

2021-06-23 07:51:08


“Purnama" by WVC Jazz Ensemble, a new album born from a journey of discovery of Malaysian roots.

He is undoubtedly one of the treasures in the Malaysian music world.
Mr. Tay Char Siang is a jazz pianist, composer, music director, writer and reader.
Jazz music will never be king in the world. But he is pursuing the excellence of Malaysian music, sharing it with others, and creating a culture that will last for generations to come.
His activities include not only holding regular concerts, but also touring the world to promote Malaysian jazz, teaching children about music in schools, organizing music festivals, talking about jazz on radio programs “听爵享受 (CityPlusFM)” and appearing on TED and in the Hollywood movie "Crazy Rich Asians. The scope of his activities continues to expand.

I attended the concert, and listen the music of his band, the WVC Jazz Ensemble, at an Art festival held at the Puteri Pacific Hotel in JB about three years ago and was struck by its excellence.
I came across his compositions on Shakespeare's poems and stories and became a complete fan.

And now, WVC has launched a new music album called "Purnama".
It features 12 pieces of good old Malaysian music from the 1930s-1970s, arranged in jazz. This is probably the first time these songs have been arranged for jazz.
Many Malaysian musicians were also passionate about this production.

”We realized that we didn't know much about our musical roots.
From around 2016 I embarked on a journey of discovery – to educate myself about our own musical inheritance.
This has also been a journey of enlightenment. “

“This album, Purnama, is about
recognising and respecting the good people of the past, and the gift of humane values they have left us, which offers us the hope – if not more than that – that another world is possible.”

”We hope the music
presented here is able to unlock the heart of the Moon as it continues to light our path in many unanticipated ways.”

Among the light rhythms and beautiful songs, the song that struck me the most and is my favorite is “Purnama”, a song about life and death.
The combination of the beautiful voice, theremin, and Debussy's masterpiece "Beau soir” is amazing!

I hope many people will try listening to it. It is also fun to compare it with the original piece.
Click here to listen to samples and order the CD.

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マレーシアのルーツの発見の旅から生まれた新アルバム「Purnama」by WVC Jazz Ensemble

ジャズミュージシャン、コンポーザー、文筆家、読書家のTay Char Siang氏。
彼の活動は、定期的にコンサートを開催するだけでなく、世界で音楽ツアーをしてマレーシアジャズを伝えたり、学校で子供に音楽の素晴らしさを教えたり、ミュージックフェスティバルを主催したり、ラジオ番組でジャズを語る他、TEDやハリウッド映画「Crazy Rich Asians」にも出演。活動の枠は広がり続けています。

私は、彼の率いるバンド「WVC Jazz Ensemble」の音楽を、約3年前に、ジョホールのプテリパシフィックホテルで行われたジャズフェスティバルで聴いて、その素晴らしさに衝撃を受けました。





美しい歌声と、テルミンと、ドビュッシーの名曲「Beau sour(美しき夕暮れ)」の組み合わせがすごい!


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Japanese Yoshiko’s Malaysia Review

WVC - Malaysian Jazz Ensemble WVC - Malaysian Jazz Ensemble #culturemalaysia #malaysiareview #マレーシアレビュー